When your customer’s wallet is in a pinch and they don’t fit into the traditional lending format, second look financing might be able to offer a second chance. It’s a practical route to consider, letting you help your customers that your primary lender would decline.
Have you ever had to lose a sale due to a credit decline and wished for another shot at approval? That’s where offering second-look financing steps in.
Picture a lender who’ll reassess the credit application, considering more than just those pesky FICO scores. It’s a second chance to reevaluate and potentially turn a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’.
Second look financing is when a lender gives a declined application a second look, going beyond credit report and score and considering other factors in their underwriting process.
Second-look financing works by submitting the declined application with a second-look lender where it undergoes a separate underwriting process. These lenders take a deeper look into the customer’s credit history as a whole and considers factors aside from their FICO score. This means that they could still be approved even if their credit isn’t perfect.
As a matter of fact, Money Financial Group’s second-look program approves 72% of the declines from major banks & lenders.
Close more sales, retain more customers, and gain a broader customer base. With a second-look option you are able to expand your customer base. It can be a game-changer, helping you keep business flowing and customers satisfied, even when their credit scores are less than perfect.
It's about loyalty! Practical financial solutions should be accessible to all. Understanding that everyone deserves a second chance, they see you as a partner willing to take a chance on them when other institutions won't.
This approach can increase approval rates, providing much-needed financial flexibility for your customers. Our specialized underwriting team considers multiple factors, not just credit score, to make more informed decisions.
If you have any customer get declined by your prime lender, then you should offer a second-look financing program to your customers!
Here’s why:
Having seen how credit scores impact second look financing, let’s consider how this alternative credit approval method can prove beneficial for your customers who are less-than-prime consumers. Second-look financing can be a lifeline, providing them with needed credit access. It doesn’t solely rely on traditional financial data, but also considers cash flow data.
This broader perspective requires careful planning and accurate risk assessment. Yet, the potential return on investment can make it worth your while.Offering second-look financing shows your customers that you’re invested in their financial wellbeing, not just their credit score. It’s a practical, compassionate approach to credit, that can truly make a difference.
Despite the initial hesitation, incorporating second look financing into your business model can significantly deepen customer loyalty, as it demonstrates your commitment to helping customers secure the financing they need.
With higher approval rates, you’re ensuring more customers can access the credit they need, boosting their financial flexibility. This not only results in a sales boost for you but also fosters a sense of loyalty among customers.
The flexibilty offered by a second-look financing option is unparalled.
Many business owners that offer home improvement services or sell high ticket items need to offer financing so their customers can confidently make their purchase. Partnering with a traditional lender may include a deep analysis of your business and come with strict credit requirements for your customers. Any applicant is subject to credit approval to receive funding for their purchase. However, when they are declined due to high risk decisions, this can leave them feeling disappointed.
When you have a second option, your customers no longer feel the need to walk away with their head down. And your sales team can feel more confident and build a greater sense of loyalty. This method isn’t just a second chance at credit approval; it’s a practical tool that uses cash flow data and other financial information to expand credit access. It’s about giving you and your customers options. By providing a more comprehensive picture of your customer’s financial situation, it can help to boost sales and offer more suitable repayment plans.
If you’re ready to partner with a second-look lender and offer your customers a flexible option to obtain the financing they need then contact us so we can help you get enrolled today.
A second-look financing program is an alternative lending partner that considers more than just credit score. This type of financing supplements your primary lending partner and helps customers with less-than-perfect credit.
Partnering with second look financing providers can be a practical and seamless step for your business. Helping those customers who are a greater loan risk due to a lack of required credit limits by large banks and lenders.
Your customers gain financial flexibility, with attractive credit offers, longer terms, and lower payments.
To offer a second financing option, you need to select a reliable lender that has a high approval rate, competitive market rates, low or no fees, and is willing to work with your customers. A trusted lender like Money Financial Group offers a seamless integration with a strong technology platform to assess the credit and application process securely.
The typical requirements for a second-look opportunity typically include a credit rating of at least 550, a low DTI ratio, low credit usage, no prior bankruptcies, and a full-time income. At MFG, we also have many opportunities to offer your customers promotions at a small discount.
As a proprietary owner, we understand the importance of balance, and it is our goal to help provide you and your customers with the care and support you're looking for.
Despite common misconceptions, a second-look financing lender like Money Financial Group still offers competitve market rates. Your customers will not be hit with outrageously high interest rates just because they are using a second-look option.
Discount financing may seem counter productive, however, when you implement this alternative option your customers and sales team will thank you.
With the right partnerships, you can optimize your sales by offering second look financing to customers who may otherwise need to walk away. You will not only improve approval rates and increase sales, but you will also gain customer loyalty.
Finding the most ideal second-look financing solution for your business involves a bit of research.
Partnering with Money Financial Group involves many benefits, including a streamlined application process, quick decisions, competitve market rates, higher approval rate, and many more!
At Money Financial Group, we take your customers seriously and work very hard to improve your approval rate. Once enrolled with us, you'll use our services to make informed decisions, extending credit to those who may have been declined elsewhere.
In short, we help you to secure more sales and get your customers the approval they need to make their purchase.
Contact us to learn about our program and stop losing out on valuable customers.
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Actual rates and/or terms may vary based on approval criteria, including but not limited to borrower FICO score, previous experience, period of ownership, etc. Lending in some states is restricted.
Money Financial Group Corporation – A division of Kenpco Enterprises Inc
7345 W. Sand Lake Rd., Suite 202
Orlando, FL 32819
P. 689-214-6111 E. apply@moneyfg.com W. moneyfg.com
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